Castle Mountain Resort
Saturday April 1 – 2:00 – 3:00
Participant Rules
- Only One run per participant
- Participants must register at Guest Services or Snow School Desk between 9:00-1:30 (no late registrations at the slush pit)
- Waivers must be signed by participants 18+ and anyone under 18 must have a parent/guardian consent form completed Participants will be given a wristband that they must wear to the event
- Participants will be sent when and only when the Event Starter gives permission
- Starting point will be designated by Castle Mountain Officials. No exceptions
- No inverted jumps
- No nudity
Cardboard Canoe Challenge
Saturday April 1 3:30 – 4:30 @ the Slush Pit
Build a canoe out of cardboard & duck tape only, ride the canoe down a slope and into the slush pit to find out if your canoe floats or will travel across the slush pit!
Creative Materials
- Duck Tape
- Cardboard
- Nothing else
Other details:
- Registration from 9:30 -1:30pm in Guest Services or Ski School desk (no late registrations will be taken- sorry!)
- Helmets required for all canoe riders
- No limit on the amount of passengers
- A waiver is required for all riders, under 18’s require a parent/guardian signature
- Please dress to get wet
- All canoes must be inspected to ensure only duck tape & cardboard are being used
- Emergency Exit Required
- Event Starter will send your entry when it is appropriate. Only One run per entry.
Please DO NOT use ANY other materials. No Tuck Tape, Packing Tape, electrical tape, plastic etc.